Monday, September 20, 2010

Run Keeper

As I spoke of in my last posting, I am training for a 5K.  Since I am a virgin to the running world and this will be my first ever 5K and the first time I have ever intentionally run more than a mile, I did a lot of research to find tools that would help me continue with my training regiment and not "bitch out", so to speak.  With this research I found a great 5 week training schedule published by Health Magazine, called "Girls Gotta Move, 5K training program:

But, the tool that I am most impressed and excited with is an app for the iPhone called Run Keeper; it is awesome!  It was recommended to me by my brother, who is also seems to have a new found passion for running.  It is $9.99, which was initially a turn-off for me, so I tried out their free version first, Run Keeper Lite.  I really liked it and decided that I would go ahead and upgrade to Run Keeper...I have not been disappointed!  It tracks my runs (time, distance and average pace) and saves a record of each activity.  The feature that really pushed me to splurge and spend $10 on an app (Yes, I am amazing cheap) is the ability for Run Keeper to work with my existing training program that I am following.  I run with my music playing and the Run Keeper program going at the same time.  Run Keeper's voice notifies me when I have run four (4) minutes and lets me know that it is time to start my two (2) minute interval.  So every time I complete each interval I know.  I do not have to continually look at my watch to keep up with my training.  This simple feature keeps me going when I might just normally quit. It keeps up with other work out activities other than running.  You let it know what activity your doing and it will track your progress for you.  I highly recommend it and if you are a penny pincher like me, try out the Lite version; its free!

Check out the Run Keeper website:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

5K or Bust

I have set a goal for myself of running my first 5K, that is 3.1 miles for those of us that don't speak metric.  I have been training for several weeks now, although not training as rigorously as I probably should be... I am sure I will regret that come the day of the race, however, I am doing better than I though I would!  I am gearing up for the 5K by doing interval training mixed with cross-training.  I alternate running with cross-training.  I began by running 3 minutes and walking 2 minutes for 25 minutes total and now I am running 4 minutes and walking 2 minutes for 35 minutes.  The run is October 2nd, it is a 5K and a half marathon benefiting the Joy to Life Foundation  

Here is the link:

Only two weeks to go, wish me good luck!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Job Search Friendly...or NOT

The world is definitely not "job search friendly" right now, even for those job seekers who fall into the Entry Level category.   How frustrating is it that to stand out as an applicant that you A.) either have to know someone (this one really sucks for me because I don't know anyone at least not in the places that would be beneficial to me), or B.)  Have to be over qualified b/c even people with experience are applying for entry level positions.  It is discouraging and becomes difficult to stay positive and motivated.  The one constant that keeps me motivated is my current job.  Having to deal with the things that I put up with day in and day out definitely is my best motivation to keep looking. 

While on this subject, a noteworthy resource I found is a website and email newsletter I subscribe to called Excelle.  It is through but has a lot of interesting reads, helpful tips and fun quizzes.

Here is the link:

Maybe this can help keep others hopeful in their own job search.

Good luck to all you job seekers!